Life Happens Loan

Life Happens Loan

Rates Effective: 1/20/2025

Credit score 700-71924 Months10.99% $2,500/$20,000 $48.89
84 Months10.99%$2,500/$20,000 $17.60
Credit Score 720 – 77924 Months7.99%$2,500/$20,000 $47.58
84 Months7.99%$2,500/$20,000 $16.13
Credit Score > 78024 Months6.99%$2,500/$20,000 $47.14
84 Months6.99%$2,500/$20,000 $15.65
[1] 0.50% increase if payment is not automatically drafted from First Hope Bank account. Max loan amount on new autos is 90% of purchase price/sticker price. Max loan amount on used autos is 80% of retail value.
[2] Credit scores of 680-720 eligible for $2,500 max, subject to additional underwriting. Credit scores of 721+ eligible for $5,000 max, subject to additional underwriting criteria. There is a $35 annual fee for this account.
[3] Upon maturity to be re-written at current market rate.

[4]All loans subject to approval. Terms and Conditions subject to change. Must be an established First Hope Bank customer for a minimum of one year. Payments must be auto-debited from a First Hope bank account or via ACH. Maximum household borrowing limit is limited to the maximum loan amount.